
Slow going

Slow going

Life seems too busy today so Community work has taken a bit of a back seat.

Being busy with life was only part of it. I’ve also been struggling to repair something that used to work. When you create a post, or edit your profile/cover image there’s supposed to be access to the Media Library, but that’s disappeared. Having said that, I don’t know if that’s just a feature that I get as admin, or if it’s available for everyone. Anyway, first of all it disappeared when creating a post and then after some investigation it also disappeared editing my profile/cover image. That suggests that I changed a setting somewhere, but I can’t find it anywhere! I’ll have to keep on digging to see if I can find the magic switch.

I also had a shock earlier today when I checked the members list and only saw 4 members, then 2 members, then only me! After panicking a little I noticed the page title says ‘Active members’, so I guess people drop off the list after a few hours. That’s good to know.

I started to create a new Hints & Tips group. It’s actually there but without any images. creating the group was the exact point I noticed the Media Library had gone missing. Well, not missing as such. It’s still available elsewhere, just not when I need it. That distracted me, so the content I was going to add to Hints & Tips will have to wait a little while.

I’m also thinking of creating a Test group that we can all use to see how groups work. I know how they work for me, but I don’t know how they work for people without admin accounts.

Finally, I was going to write this on my phone in my car whilst waiting to pick someone up. That’s when I realised that the Blog posting interface just doesn’t work on a phone. There are just too many icons, menus and pop-up windows to see the area where I can type. Although there was another problem. To have a place to type I need to drag and drop a ‘button’ onto an area of the screen and I haven’t a clue how to do drag and drop on a phone!


Now I’m going to kick myself. I eventually realised that there’s a WordPress app on my phone. I think that might have a more friendly interface for editing a blog post.

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