
Frequently Asked Questions

Register and enter the required information. You will be sent an activation email to confirm that you own the email address you registered with.

After confirming your email address an administrator will verify your account and then you will be able to log in and post. Until you have been verified you will only be able to read the community content.

If you’re a Forum user, you might like to add a note in your profile to let people know your username, or you might prefer to stay incognito!

Your account is free. There is no current intention to charge for access to the Community. A few adverts might appear at some point, but you won’t be asked to pay for access.

Any legitimate user can create an account. If your intention is to spam the community or its users then your account will be terminated and you will be banned.

The administrators decision is final on account terminations and banning.

You are very welcome to invite friends who have an interest in Weather-Watching to join the Community. The more members, the more interesting content!

There is no referral system. The Community is unfunded, so there is no financial benefit in having more members. 

You may delete your Weather-Watching account at any time by clicking the ‘Delete’ link in your profile. An administrator will ensure that your personal details are removed from the system.